Charles Burgess
A famed former US Special Forces Green beret soldier has spoken with activist Jim Ferguson and stated that Irish people are being "set up for a genocide" in a shocking interview, recorded late last year.
Jim began by talking about why "young, military aged men. Not asylum seekers," are flooding our tiny island nation.
"I went to Ireland, realising it would be a problem. Here it goes. Every taxi driver was a foreign men," Yon replied.
"Everywhere I go, it is all military aged males. There are women but it's a clear invasion. This is not a border crisis or irregular migration is a straight up lie.
"These are invasions. Words are the atomic structures of truth and lies. You have to pick the accurate words.
"We see an invasion, not a migration. You must tell the truth. The Irish have been lulled to sleep while the invasion happens and now people are dying in the streets.
"Our team predicted this. We know the types of people they are bringing in. Some fish don't mix well in the aquarium.
"You put the wrong fish in, the other ones get eaten. The Swedish naive population learned this.
"A tiger will eat your arm, even if you pet it. That's what is happening with Ireland.
"Ireland is being set up for genocide. People still don't see that. It's down to the wire, there is no more time.
"You are either going to fight or you are going to flee or you are going to die. A slave in your own country at a minimum.
"You are being invaded, you are going to be killed. You can't vote your way out of this."
Jim asked about "UN Handlers" bringing men in "without checking identities and given benefits. Rapists and murderers.

"I reckon Irish men are almost outnumbered at this time? When you take away elderly, children and women," Jim asked.
"I would say almost certainly so," Yon replied. "The forces who are causing the invasion will facilitate the invaders. This is an actual war.
"Camp of the Saints- you come in un-armed and you take it. Weaponised migration. This has been done throughout time.
"They show up without guns, 'we need to be fed.' These guys are serious.
"A lot of rich people have no idea what is coming, they are the easy targets. They will kill your dog and disable your alarms. This is deadly serious.
"Defend or it's over. You have waited too long. Fight, run or submit.
"I don't care about accusations of racism, we should not even care. Get out of my country. Get out of my country.
"Don't even defend that, just get out."
This is a "clear designed strategy," said Jim.
"Global totalitarian Government is the aim," Yon replied. " This has been going on for over a century, a long process.
"This is a big deal, involving central bankers. One big giant Government. De-population, no borders, destroy nation states. UK, all of Europe, US.
"They want the whole world re-arranged. Divide and conquer. The bottom line is: replace Europeans with little groups that can be controlled and culled.
"Pathogens, food supply, so many ways once you reduce the power centres. US is the prime target, then everywhere is easy pickings."
Jim said "sovereign nations being a threat to this and the reparation for destruction of nations. Global Government announcement is coming, I believe. Local Governments going along with it it because they think they will be a part of it and get something out of it."
"They are just condoms for the globalists, they too will be disposed of. Pushing the jabs, but they are disposable too," said Yon.
"We need to go straight to resistance. We know this game."
"There is a small group at the top of the pyramid, aiming for 500 million people on the planet. What happens to the other 7.5 billion? Instigate WW3?" asked Jim.
"We are in that low level right now. It has gone insane. Irish are thinking about going to Russia now. I talk to many," said Yon.
"I think they could get the population down to a billion, they are that insane. They think they will outlast it all in their bunkers.
"This is how insane they are."
Jim talked about "climate change being used to put farmers out of business. An engineered famine is a concern."
"I have been warning about this since January 2020, since Nord Stream. They already closed the biggest gas field in Europe," said Yon.
"They are pushing for famines, this is very clear. Wars grow. We don't know which way it will go, the general course of action is eventual famine.
"Human osmotic pressure: wars, pandemic, famine means the movement of people. This is why food prices are going up and variety is down.
"It's a triangle of death and we need to resist now. This is very clear."
Jim said the "activation of these invaders equals the new world order."
"As the globalists continue to create these conditions, they are piling gun powder into Ireland," said yon. "Gun powder can go off on its own, in the right conditions.
"These are sophisticated people. It is active and retired generals running this. They will re-adjust as they fly.
"They have a plan but who knows what the history books will write. This will unfold quickly and will be obvious in retrospect."
Jim talked about UN Agenda 2030 and a 'mysterious cyber attack.' and population replacement. "This is all by design," he said.
"The invaders are the main weapons system (in a new global army)," Yon continued. "They will use the invaders to get rid of us and then they will get rid of them. These people from these villages in Africa have no idea what is coming.
"They don't read, they are in a capsule and just there to serve a purpose."
Jim then asked; "we cant vote them out, globalists are in a uni-party, the opposition are all fake, so what is the solution? What do you say to people who are awake and paying attention?"
"The game is rigged since before you were born," Yon replied. "This has been going on a long, long time. By the time you were born, it was quite sophisticated.
"When a Government starts recruiting mercenaries, that is it, the end of that empire. It's evil. A draft would be a perfect evil.
"Do not take any jabs for anything. We have learned that lesson, You cannot depend on your Government. They are predatory.
"Look at the Irish, they are indigenous, they are being replaced and called racist. You can't make it up. Your Government has been captured. You don't owe them anything.
"No allegiance, zero. They are coming to get us. We have been through this before, we are descended from survivors. We are still here, we can do it.
"It's time to be a man, time to take charge. Build teams, build networks. Cowards are unwelcome.
"Cowards are natural traitors. It's time for men to do men stuff. It is on, it is that time. It is an honour to speak truth on your show," Yon concluded.
"This is real, this is really happening" said Jim. "More and more people are waking up to it. Bypass the globalists and their supermarkets.
"Time is short. They want another pandemic and vaccines. Look up 'Freedom Train International' for help and advice. As the world gets darker, we get brighter," he concluded.